Sunday, November 8, 2015

Sister Celebration

They say, "Friends are the family we're not born with," but I respectfully disagree. If you get lucky, like I did, they you are blessed to grow up and grow old with a best friend that shares your life's blood. I don't know if I've ever said this out loud before, but I love having an older sister. My sister was my first friend, and I am very certain she will be my last. Now, I'm sure at times I fulfilled my duty in the annoying younger sister part; there wouldn't be a hole in my bedroom wall of I hadn't. However, without our back and forth, we wouldn't be able to reminisce about all the times I called steak, chicken, or when I pronounced recording wrong for so many years. I got really lucky that God gave me such a wonderful sister. As she trailblazed her way through high school, college, and post grad life, she set standards for me, which is no small task. In reality, I got so much more than a sister. I got a life long partner in crime, an inspiring role model, and someday (maybe!) a maid of honor. So, I would like to dedicate this post to my amazing sister, Katie, on her 25th birthday. Happy birthday to the (wo)man, the myth, the hipster!   

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